He is back for the first time in 18 months with a new drama “Pretty Boy,” and fitting it is for Jang Keun-suk, known for his beautiful looks and his fatal attraction. We take a look at how he has risen to become the “Prince of Asia.”
waaah!! i’m so happy with this video! showcases Sukkie’s best qualities – specially the last image!! kkk! thanks a lot for sharing this!
thank you happy to see great news about him ,beautiful presentation of his work .
Thanks for the clip. really enjoy every second of it. the first few items were pretty obvious and glad that someone notices he is the fan service king!!!
Coming from Arirang I’ll take it as an compliment….
they forgot to mention eels love him for his big heart, his good and frank personality…he is not only a big star but he is a loving prince for his eels…
yes. they forgot that Jang Keun Suk does not hide behind a mask. that what you see is what you get. that he is really honest to the point that he makes pretentious people uncomfortable.
that he has a big heart – i admire him more with that generous help he extended to the victims of typhoon haiyan – no fuss albeit he never was in the Philippines and those critical Philippine fans of other celebrities (i will be wary of these kind of fans) – he gave anyway.
i want to see Suk succeed in everything he does and to remain unassuming with his feet solidly grounded on realities of life.
exactly mamacri! but coming from korean show i feel so proud already – but to tell why eels love Sukkie? – they just scratched the surface.
Korea is not ready for comedy dramas like Bel Ami, thus the ratings. But I like Bel Ami. It is not a playboy drama like what non-watchers are judging it to be (they have not seen it, that’s why). It is really hilarious – but Korea wants depressing dramas with plots like rich man-poor girl and the never ending “vengeance is mine”, or “poor boy/girl had difficult time in childhood and became chaebol thus the revenge”.
Probably, my culture is just different that’s why I really like Bel Ami. I watch to be entertained. It is entertaining and well-scripted too.
Yes I guess so; I’m so tired of those kind of dramas…
Maybe they are not ready for this kind of comedy dramas…it’s done very tasteful…
They like everything more over the top whether it’s depressing, romantic, comedy etc…and the fact it’s with JKS does not help…Even if he would win the most prestigious award in the world they would have difficulty acknowledging him…because that means a lot of them have to admit they have misjudge him…
Most resent him for no legit reason..
I like the drama very very much…it makes me laugh out loud, cry real tears, think and learn and at the same time I can feast my eyes on the images..
Beautiful Man is almost the story of JKS minus the women…the way he had to learn to get over the obstacles people trown at him…only to make him becomes more and more determined, resourceful, hardworking, beautiful in heart and appearance..while managed to keep and stay real…if only for that JKS as person has teach me a lot…
BM is really a great gift of Sukkie to his fans…one with many many beautiful wrappings and bows…it’s a feast unwrapping this..Thank you JKS…so I will follow your advise…not think about the things we can’t change..just enjoy
Going to watch ep 6 for the 4th time : )
I’m learning too…don’t underestimate the little amount of money you have; look for the “button” in every person because you’ll understand them better; and lately “gift given before a favour is a bribe, but something given after a work is done is a gift.” See, we learn something.
We should start taking note of “lessons learned” in every episode.
Couldn’t agree more Deanna
Me too,after watching the whole 6 episodes of Beautiful Man/Bel Ami my mind was fulfilled with so many lessons from each episodes..
And i think after this drama end we can summarize these “lesson to learn” in this blog ^^,
I LOVE this drama soo much. I don’t know to express how much I love this drama.
I’m learning about life valuable lessons in every single episode.
I love how the story of BM has been smartly written. I like that they inserted some smart dialogues & lines including the ‘busy bad pretty oppa’ from Choi David which sounds like rhyming in Korean :). I am very pleased with every single bit of this drama… not only because of our dear prince who surprises me a lot with his new expressions and craziness but also the effort made by the production team & other casts. I hope that there will be good rewards for their hard work. Yesterday I watched the coverage of the Blue Dragon Award on KBS 2 Entertainment Weekly… and suddenly I understood Suk’s yearning to go back to being ‘Actor Jang Keun Suk’. He started out as one and as much as i admire his other talents, I also wish him a good path for his acting career in the future :).
i think BM is more to jdrama type. i love a drama which bring more values to life and frm that we can learn something. it’s the same reason why i like BV.i wish him to be what he deserve to actor with a top star quality.i think he already is.
I agree that Bel Ami is leaning more to Japanese dramas than kdramas. I hope that jks will also be an actor in japan. He speaks the language. More J actors directors and writers are internationally recognise than those from Korea. Now I’m watching more Jdramas than k. K mostly depressing almost same theme
yeah..i really hope he’ll do acting in Japan too but for now he try to focus more on singing in Japan..but who knows if he get a good script which he cant resist.