Hello~ JKS’s Fans:)
This video is the JKS’s 27th birthday party @ hotel!!!
All of staffs congratulated together for him:)
Everybody had a happy n nice day.
Let’s click the video now!!!!
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
Such happy bunch…he may be bossy but I would like such a boss..working hard, partying hard and always equal & loving to the ones surrounding him
He is only 26 going to be 27 next year. Why is it said here that it was his 27th birthday? Is Korean culture like Chinese where they always add an extra year saying they include one year you were in the womb? If we ask the Prince would he say that he is 26 or 27?
Yes…he is 1 year older than in the western culture..in reality they all add a year at the beginning off the new year
eels check this ..do you think it would make a great role or will he do better in pretty man