15 thoughts on “[Video] Showbiz Korea_20130609”

  1. JKS..the FIRST Korean actor to hold a concert in the US!
    He blaze the trial again!!!!
    Our Prince is AWESOME!

  2. Finally…some recognition !!
    I hope Team H parties will be huge succes…they deserves this…because the PARTY is awesome ZIKZIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. why is every body thinks jks will have a military service ?
    he doesn’t have a military service ? cuz he is the only boy for his pairents and they don’t take single child for a military services that is the law their and please be ware of that . or at least that is what i know.

    • Hi Randa! I tried to research about policies for exemptions on military service in South Korea, but not mentioned about being an only child in the family being exempted from military service. What they stipulated for exemptions are those national athletes who won international competitions, thereby bringing medals for their country.

  4. At last he has given such recognition being able to do concert in the U.S., but I guess its not only Suk out of the rare who is given the opportunity to do a concert in the U.S. As far as I could remember Rain had a concert in Madison Square in New York City sometime in 2006 or 2007. CNBlue ( Yong Hwa of Yab)did a concert in San Francisco somewhere in 2010 or 2011 the sme with Bigbang, they did a concert in San Francisco.

    • Daryl his is the first ACTOR to hold a concert in the USA….Rain and CNBlue are well known singers/band in Korea. JKS is known as an actor in Korea. He never release an album in Korea except singing in OST of his drama.

  5. I am so proud to be his eel. I really adore and respect JKS so much and his success is my motivation to work harder too. The more he climb higher, the more i am telling myself that i can achieve my goal too. Jyo!! ZikZin!!!


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