Source: 정준형 Facebook
At Jaejoong’s home, with Keun-chan Keun Suk
This is something I want to do.
Beautiful guys gathering, drinking together,
and playing Rockstar must be a good experience..
Whatever they do, they are cute enough!
With GALAXY Note 2,
we filmed 3 MVs. kkk
영웅재중이네 집에서 근짱근석이랑
이게 뭔가싶은데 ,
이쁜 녀석들 모여서 술이나 마시며
Rockstar 놀이하는것도
좋은 경험이겠지…
뭘해도 귀여운 녀석들!
뮤직비디오 3개찍었음.ㅋㅋㅋ
For two days,
Keun Suk, Jeojoong and I continued running.
Adorable guys…
We listened to X Japan “Endless Rain” at the last live,
completely related to each other,
drank alcohol like crazy,
filmed our private 2 collection title MV “1, 2, 3, 4 경수술 (Knee Medical?)”,
and had a great time.
The present situation that male juniors enjoy themselves makes me look back again.
Anyway, I have a lot of friends I really want to see.
근석이랑 재중이랑
귀여운 놈들…
우린 엑스재팬의 라스트라이브중 앤드레스레인을 들으며
공감대가 극으로 치닫으면서
술을 미친듯이 마셨고,
우리만의 비공개 2집 타이틀인
원투쓰리포 경수술의 뮤직비디오를
찍으며 행복한시간을 보냈다.
남자후배들이 좋아라하는
지금상황이 다시금
나를 돌아보게한다.
그나저나 보고싶은 친구들이
참으로 많다…
X Japan – Endless Rain (The Last Live)
Credits: TripleBug
arr.. they all have really a great time together ..did they share thing how they become this place? did they share their unforgettable past? OMG even in imagination i am so happy to be with them If only i were lucky enough to be their fri ..kkk Can’t wait to see the MV they shoot .. Thanks for sharing this Tenshi.. sis
wow!!! they must have really missed each others company and so glad to know they had time to get together…i can imagine these drunken boys shooting MVs….i wish they’ll share them in public!!!
btw,that was one touching performance,geez gave me goosebumps im almost teary at the end!
awww.. will be nice if they r willing to share their private mv!!!!;)
Geunseok and Jaejoong hanging out together and going crazy ^__^ What I wouldn’t give to see that beautiful sight with my own eyes.
I don,t know why people like injory them selves with alcohol and smoking?.?now they are yong their body s are safe but they donot take care . I know never keun suk and his friends read my note but i pray for them God put peace and makes their heart and soul calm♡
Enjoy drinking and smoking…i love that too…eels like AsiaPrince. See you someday in cancer clinic – lung and liver…see you in 10 to 15 years in the same ward…lets drink and smoke eels…
AsiaPrince, when you start drinking and smoking twitt it and we’ll join you.
..hi there Cherry Blossoms, i don’t know what you’ve been through and of course i don’t know you, but i hope you try to see something good on Sukkie, we, eels accepted him no matter what…it does not mean that we agreed on his being a heavy drinker and probably a chain smoker but we love him unconditionally and just simply love the way he is… i can not change your opinion about him but i hope that you try to see something good in him try to check even a single good character trait that he has i am not suggesting this so that i can also brag about how good and how great Sukkie is, but i want you also to see it differently not always picking on the wrong things..i believe something good is going to happen …you may not change our dear bad boy instantly with a good comments but i believe something good will happen…try it sis…PEACE!!!!
Susan.. don’t worry as Sukkie will be in army for about 2 years soon.. he won’t be able to drink & smoke and that will help to cleanse and detox his liver & lung ^_^ Actually.. I never like people who smoke or drink too but with Sukkie’s kind of responsibilty & pressure, I think we can’t deprive him of ways to de-stress and we can only pray he found someone close by him to influence him to quit subsequently…
I agree with you! The best change is coming from within.
thanks sis QQeyes007!..of course every eel would really love to see our Prince changing for the better.yeah let’s just pray that he would be surrounded by good influences…thanks for the info, so Sukkie must work on many projects he could leave for us to enjoy until his return from the army…please join us also Cherry Blossoms, sis….
..Hi Daryl Lade Kumusta na? Sorry di na ako naglalagi dito sa blog dahil sa sobrang busy….sana mag member ka na rin sa ECI at Eel Philippines, masaya dun sis….
very well said
Yeorobun, annyeong haseyo.. just a new EEL here, running 5 months this May 9..
and what I really love about Sukkie is his personality.. despite the fact that he’s
famous, wealthy, and women, us, drooling over him, he always stay humble and
Annyeong haseyo, welcome to this wonderful blog for international EELs
I am curious to know if you are a Korean Eel kkk