Source: AsiaPrince_JKS Facebook
Team H the most popular video…
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Best clip of team H
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팀에이치 인기영상 1위…
이게 재밌어?
Best clip of team H
Is this best? why?
You, this worst server… I will fix you at any cost..
First of all, leave your comments after listening to fantastic ICU [I see you]!
Frankly, my pronunciation is quite good, isn’t it?
Im gonna fix this f**king server for sure.
first of all, subscribe about this fantastic I C U song!
honestly, my Chinese pronunciation is pretty good. right?
이 상놈의 서버는 꼭 고치리라..
일단 환상의 아이씨유 노래 듣고 감상문 남기도록!
솔직히 발음 안죽인다고?
Im gonna fix this f**king server for sure.
first of all, subscribe about this fantastic I C U song!
honestly, my Chinese pronunciation is pretty good. right?
This is so funny and playful, like I would do to my sister(s). Good thing BB didn’t get mad!!
Best clip for Team H – shows BB is easy-going and JKS has an extremely quick-wit and intellect. This makes for easy working relationship and friendship.
dynamic & natural