[Video] Fan Made CRI SHOW II in Thailand_20.10.2012

Credits: Francesca Cri Cri
(Below words from uploader posted on YouTube)
Since the cancellation of CRI SHOW in Thailand announced on 19.09.2012. Gloomy hearts fallen…We came to tears. But later on, we’ve realised that the man we love is always in our hearts and he may need support from us… That’s why we held the Concert for him — To tell JKS “Thai eels love him so much”

19 thoughts on “[Video] Fan Made CRI SHOW II in Thailand_20.10.2012”

  1. So touching event… We don’t know the exact reason of the cancellation, but we surely know eels in Thailand love Jang Keun Suk and so does JKS.

  2. Awwww….I’m speechless!!!. I can’t help myself, I’m crying river while watching this video because I’m so touched and proud of Thai Eels. If JKS watch this video, I’m sure he would feel the love and proud of his Thai eels, too.

    My head bows to all of you, Thai eels, for setting such a great example of what being eels are all about ….. to always love and support JKS and to always stay by his side through thick and thin. EELs are the BEST fans in the whole WORLD!!!!!!

    Thank you so very much, Thai eels for still have faith in JKS. Pleading him to COME BACK. I believe with all my heart, he will go BACK to Thailand soon!!! Please wait for him.

  3. aahhh…thai eels you made me cry 🙁

    this is so touching…i’m sure our PRINCE loves you all and will love you more for this..
    thank you for being so understanding and still loving our PRINCE despite the circumstances


  4. I can’t stop my tear watching it,So proud of Thai eels and JKS.They even went there and had a concert withou JKS,itself.Boy you see how we love u now.we are not just a people who like you as an artist .cos we love you as our precious prince, your soul,your love to us.We love you boy,

  5. OMG! This is so touching… how Sukkie will see it! For sure he loves all his EELs, and there is a bigger reason for the cancellation of his concert in Thailand.

    Tenshi… thanks a lot for sharing.

  6. Thai eels are so sweet..suk definitely will feels so touch if he watch this video. this show how great their love for him.

    Is Thai the last destination for his cri show? how many show remaining?

  7. ..wow so sweet …and Thai Eels your loyalty was so heartwarming..I wonder how the Prince responds when he watch this touching video….
    Thanks for sharing Tenshi and Francesca God Bless you all Thai Eels!

  8. Cheers to All eels for the great effort put in for the various events in BKK Cri show 2 (by eels)… I’m sure Sukkie will go back to Thailand to perform again ^_^

  9. When I saw this post for the first time I dont see it because I know will cry and I am sick and think cry and sick could be dangerous for my heart,so I wait until now,i saw it and cry,but when I saw that his staff put the link on their twitt and said thank you,i cried more because I know he will see it too and knowing him he will cry when he see it,i am very sure of that. Thanks Tenshi.Ah,you saw our leader Ivy there, she looks so happy,i am glad she enjoyed the event ,ah the video is so touching.

  10. So touching….I’m so proud of Thai and International eels. Thank you for the love, understanding and support you’re giving to our prince, JKS.

  11. awww..i’m so touched by this vid. thank you, Tenshi, for sharing this. ^_^
    i’m so proud for all the Thai Eels.. thank you for all your support to JKS..
    we know in our hearts, JKS love the Thai Eels..and of course, all the eels around the world..hehe..

    Zikzin!!! Eels !!! ^_^


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