16 thoughts on “"Let me cry" radio airing”

  1. i just listen LET ME CRY ..even i prefer JGS singing ballad song like My Precious and I Will Promise You >> but i like this one too HE IS ROCKER !! hahaa and real Japan style .. Good Luck for promo and Album sale..


  2. I hope a clearer version will come out later. The song has a rock feel. It is different from his previous recorded songs.

    Btw, it is just a sample isn’t it not the full song?

  3. I love the song. JKS ROCK! I like his voice timbre and I am a fan of all his four songs for M3, but I am surprised by his vocals here!
    It looks like this is a sample, definitely not a full length. They talk over an interesting part of the song. Sears also posted the link, so you can compare the quality. http://lovesears.blogspot.com/
    Thank you so much for posting this.

  4. I LOVE THE SONG AND HIS VOICE!!! Can so picture him singing this on stage with his hair tied up and some strands falling all over his face like in M3 🙂 *swoon* I wonder if there will be a music video… ordered his album so hopefully it will be sent over to me soon after its launch!!!

  5. duh… the result of not being able to listen to music in the office means I couldn’t even hear the link that i posted 🙁

    for a clearer recording, the lovesears link is posted above by nikousvet.

    JKS seems to like rock music. i can’t tell whether i like the song or not…. i need to go home and absorb his song for a longer time….

  6. Please support JKS by buying his CD. I know some of you have already placed your orders. For those wanting to listen to more, please order your own copy to support our star. It will be cool to reach No. 1 on the Oricon chart, this will really make JKS a big star in Japan. Thank you!

  7. I really love this song, I wonder how the MV will look like , It must be rock my world ><. JKS fighting!!!!!!! I love you soooooooooooooooooooooo much ^-^

  8. love the song!! i heard the full version now on YouTube.. nice one Jang Geun Suk!!!
    wishing you for the success of your first single.. 🙂


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