Credits: leejoongjang
Ok, I simply cannot resist posting this video.
This is definitely different because, well, for one, Jang Keun Suk hugged a fan, which gave rise to oohs of envy.
Also, while JKS was sitting at the table waiting for the autograph to start, he was singing casually to himself … 🙂
oh he is so lovely
love him forever
1. i love his look of surprise when he first entered the venue
2. yes, he looked very precious, singing to himself while waiting for the event to start!
3. i found it amusing that he re-arranged the stack of pamphlets(?) that someone had arranged into a spiral for him
4. hopefully he hugs fans at the singapore autograph session too! i plan to be there! 😀
He’s just so naturally himself, even in front of cameras and lots of fans.
as for (3), he’s just so cute!! very down-to-earth guy 🙂
are you from Singapore or some other country?
…agreed! it’s not everyday you stumble upon a celebrity who comes across as being so genuinely down-to-earth, so it’s quite amazinggg 🙂
yup i’m from singapore, you are too, right? good luck to us getting tickets! i’ll see you there :p
i may be arranging a meet-up for some SG fans and Malaysia fans, depending on JKS’ schedule in s’pore… my memory is quite terrible, but i’ll try to remember to let u know in case u are interested in joining 🙂
oh yes, definitely! let me know 🙂
i’ll be watching your blog anyways, lol
hey! that lady seems wanna touch his chin, n as usual he s like an eel, cute style to get rid from her finger 😀