4 thoughts on “[Pics] JKS in Tokyo”

  1. Prince Sukkie is elated that Geuk-Chan is everywhere in Japan. A very short but fulfilling trip to him and he is enjoying every moment of it. Glad to see him so satisfied and happy! Keep smiling! +**

  2. Our Princejks smile is so addictive..whenever I see his smile.. It automatic put a smile on my face 😉 He ls like my medication.. I need to see him daily.. He always got something nice and interesting for us eels everyday 🙂 I’m so happy that I get to know him this year although a little late but better than never..Princejks is such a cheerful wonderful person..wishes him happiness as he brings lots of happiness to others 😉

    • Shalyn, that is how all eels feel.. when he smiles, we smile.. he has a child trapped in the man’s body ^_^


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