4 thoughts on “[Cover] CUT June 2012”

  1. Our Princejks..always so refreshing so dashing so charming so interesting but is his enthusiasm in life that inspired me! For his young age..he had already achieved so much and quite mature although at times he is mischievous.. He is such a wonderful person with great character and his genuine personality attracts! Of course no one on earth is perfect but our Princejks is jast too perfect for us.. I will always support his dreams and looking forward for his next concert in Singapore! Please Princejks come to Singapore soon.. Do take care of yourself 😉

  2. I have an idea!!!
    Can Singaporean eels tweet to JKS to get him to consider a show in Spore this year?
    If we tweet enough, maybe he will get the message and make our dream come true??

  3. hi 🙂 I’m a JKS fan form the Philippines. I want to watch his upcoming concert, CRI SHOW 2, is Singapore included on the tour? If not, do know how can I buy tickets for the tour in Thailand. Thanks 🙂

  4. i hope the article finds its way on the net, and in English. i love reading his interviews coz they‘re always so full of wit and humor.

    oh, he has really nice hands. for a guy, i think his hands are way too beautiful. LOL!


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