6 thoughts on “[26.04.2012] JKS at 48th Baek-sang Arts Awards (4)”

  1. Although he didn’t attend the red carpet ceremony, we can feel how brilliant he was! 🙂

  2. Thanks Kaori chan for posting all these awesome pics here. Let’s just say… even he comes late, his entry is still grand and in style..with 2 (maybe 3) managers accompany him. He looks so shinny and handsome. Sukkie has that strong stage presence or magnet that people can’t help but to look at him.

  3. as they say prince ll b never late
    its just tat others r early
    he doent need a grand entry nd all
    coz he himself is d shinniest nd grand among all:)))))))))))))))))))

  4. hi im from iran i love jang geun suk…this fhoto so nice..tnks… i have one question… i see his fhoto.as nearly…why geun suk`s nech was sore???????????? have hart?

  5. Notice how Prince stands out among the other artistes despite the fact that he only wears a T-shirt underneath the coat. He really stands out as the shinest star regardlss of what he wears.


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