[Pics and Vids] real-time broadcast of LR press conference

You can experience the press conference in order. I drew up a chronology of events. Please follow them from the bottom.

@MyloveKBS & LoveRainTV twitter

at 19:51
We hope many of you participate in the “Love Rain”preview event held on March 26.
그리고 3월 26일 월요일날 실시되는【 #KBS사랑비 】 첫방송 영등포CGV 시사회 이벤트에도 많은 참여 바랍니다. ^.^!

at 19:33
Do you have a pleasant evening tonigt? KBS “Love Rain” press conference was held today. Thanks for cheering. For those who might miss it, we’ll send our uploaded videos again ^.^
트친님들 즐거운 저녁시간 보내시고 계시나요? 오늘【 #KBS사랑비 】제작발표회 응원해주셔서 감사드립니다. 혹시 못보신 분들을 위해 오늘 업로드한 영상들 다시한번 보내드립니다^.^

at 17:10
Thanks for your infinite and hot RT. To express my thankfulness, I want to share my smartphone with you^^ Thank you so much. Eels, we love you!
여러분의 #사랑비에 대한 뜨거운 관심과 무한RT 감사드립니다! 감사의 의미로 여러분들과 제 스마트폰을 무한공유 하고 싶네요^^arigatou gojaimasu unagidachi dausuki!

at 16:58
One more picture ^^
사진 한장 더^^

at 16:54
After the interview^^ For more information, the official fan community will open soon. And also visit our Facebook.
#장근석 #정진영 #김시후님의 밀착 인터뷰^^ 자세한 내용은 곧 오픈되는 #사랑비 공식 팬 커뮤니티 사이트sarangbi.kr과 페북 http://www.facebook.com/loverainkbs2에서 확인하세요♥

at 16:26 and 16:29
JKS said, “If LR gets an audience rating of 40 percent, I promise to dance shuffle in the center of Myeongdong.”
#장근석 인터뷰3 “사랑비가 시청률40프로가 넘으면 명동에서 셔플댄스를 추겠다^.^.”

at 16:24
Press Conference broadcast live” The interview is still in progress.
<제작발표회 실황중계> [공동인터뷰 영상_3] 진행中.

at 16:21
Press Conference broadcast live” The atmosphere of joint interview seems friendly.
<제작발표회 실황중계> [공동인터뷰 영상_2] 진행中 화기애애한 분위기로 이어지고 있습니다.

at 16:15
“Press Conference broadcast live” the interview of JKS and Yoona is now in progress. ^.^
<제작발표회 실황중계> #장근석 , #윤아 외 공동 인터뷰가 이어지고 있습니다. ^.^

at 15:58
Interview session has begun.
공통 인터뷰가 시작되었어요

at 15:54
This is the pic of the cast! “Love Rain” must be a success! We’ve watched the teasers. The footage is beautiful and actors are great^^
#사랑비의 완소배우들 단체샷 입니다! 사랑비 대박! 제작발표회용 영상을 봤는데 너무 영상도 예쁘고 배우들도 눈부시더군요^^

at 15:49
“Press Conference broadcast live” photo session for the cast ^.^!
<제작발표회 실황중계> [단체 포토타임] 이 이어지고 있습니다. ^.^!

at 15:43
“Press Conference broadcast live” photo session continues.
<제작발표회 실황중계> 커플 포토타임이 이어지고 있습니다.

at 15:41
Lovebird, Jang Keun SUk and Yoona ^.^
‘극강 비주얼’ 커플! # 장근석 & # 윤아 씨의 눈 호강 선남선녀 사진 나갑니다^.^

at 15:40
photo session as a group!
#장근석 #김시후 #윤아의 커플 포토타임!

at 15:35
“Press Conference broadcast live” photo session for Yoona ^.^
<제작발표회 실황중계> 포토타임 윤아 포토타임이 이어지고 있습니다 ^.^!

at 15:31
Yoona looks as innocent as Yoon Hee! photo session for Yoona. We’re hooked on her bright smile!
청순한 윤희 그 모습 그대로! 아리따운 #윤아 양의 포토타임~환한 미소에 빠져들겠어요!

at 15:28
“Press Conference broadcast live” photo session for Jang Keun Suk! ^.^
<제작발표회 실황중계> 포토타임 중입니다~ #장근석 씨부터 포토타임 시작! ^.^

at 15:27
JKS keeps his sense of composure! JKS smile★
여유 넘치는 근짱! #장근석 씨의 미소 샤방샤방~ 눈 부십니다★

at 15:21
We’ll release a photograph in advance of the greeting session.
For more pics, access the site.
무대인사에 앞서 대기 중인 우리의 두 주인공! 인하와 윤희 사진 구경하세요~ 더 많은 사진은>>

at 15:18
The cast ^^ We can see JKS over there ^^
배우들^^ #장근석님이 보이네요^^

at 15:13
“Press Conference broadcast live” Actors are coming into the venue ^.^!
<제작발표회 실황중계> 배우들이 행사장에 입석하였습니다 ^.^! >>

at 15:10
kkyahh~~ Jang Keun Suk and Yoona has finally appeared!!!
꺄아~~ 드디어 #장근석 & #윤아 등장!!!

at 15:07
Before the press conference, please check out Jang Keun Suk in advance ^.^~!!
제작발표회 현장에서 행사 시작 전에 #장근석 의 모습을 미리 확인해보세요 ^.^~!

at 15:02
Before the press conference, we met SNSD Yoona ^.^!
제작발표회 현장에서 행사 시작 전에 #윤아 를 만나보았습니다. #윤아 의 모습을 미리 확인해보세요 ^.^!

at 14:57
The interview of Seo InGuk ^.^
제작발표회 현장에서 서인국씨를 인터뷰 하였습니다. ^.^ 생생한 영상 클릭클릭!

at 14:47
This is the table for “Love Rain” cast ^^
배우들 테이블^^ #장근석 #윤아 #이미숙 #정진영 #김시후 #김영광 #손은서 #황보라 #서인국 빨리 만나보고 싶어서 두근반세근반♥

at 14:41
They are from Yoona’s fans. They look as beautiful as her! But some of them were too beautiful to eat T_T
이번엔 윤아 씨 팬분들께서 준비해 주신 선물들~ 윤아 씨처럼 사랑스러운 물품들이네요! 윤희와 인하 떡 아까워서 못 먹겠어요 ㅜㅠ

at 14:35
JKS’ fans have prepared for tribute goods!! We’ll eat well and do our best to promote “Love rain”. We devour them with pleasure(^_^)
장근석 씨 팬분들께서 정성들여 준비해주신 조공 물품들!! 잘 먹고 힘내서 [ #KBS사랑비 ] 홍보 발에서 땀나도록 하겠습니다! 팬분들 감샤감샤(^_^)

at 14:31
30 minutes are left until when Jang Keun Suk and Yoona will appear! While you’re waiting, We’ll show you the 4th teaser ^.^
‘인하’ #장근석! ‘윤희’ #윤아 등장까지 30분 남았습니다! 오매불망 기다리시는 마음 4차 티저 영상으로 푸소서~ ^.^

at 14:28
The site is filled with reporters. We’ve got a feeling that “Love Rain” is going to be a big hit!
제작발표회 현장을 가득 메운 취재진들~ [ #사랑비 ] 대박 예감!

at 14:05
We’ve finally arrived at “Love Rain” press conference spot. First of all, we feel their fans’ love!
드디어 사랑비 제작발표회 현장에 도착! 가장 먼저 느껴지는 건 팬들의 뜨거운 사랑이네요!

at 14:05
Preview of the press conference site. So many rice wreathes ^.^ We realize their popularity. Look forward to the press conference after a while!
제작발표회 현장 미리 엿보기~ 쌀화환이 가득하네요 ^.^ 연기자들의 인기가 실감이 됩니다. 잠시후에 곧 행사 시작되오니 기대 많이 해주세요!

at 13:48
Wow~ so many fans gave rice wreathes to express their support ^.^ The entrance is surrounded by them!!! We realize 200% of Jang Keun Suk and Yoona’s popularity!
와~ 정말 많은 팬들께서 쌀 화환 보내주셨어요^.^ 제작발표회 입구는 지금 거의 포위된 상태!!! #장근석 군과 #윤아 양의 인기 200% 실감!

at 13:28
Where are we?? Here’s “Love Rain” press conference site! We’ll give you a real-time report at @MyloveKBS twitter.
여기는 어디?? 바로 <사랑비> 제작발표회 현장입니다! 실시간으로 상황 보고 드릴테니까요~MyloveKBS 트윗에 시.선.고.정

10 thoughts on “[Pics and Vids] real-time broadcast of LR press conference”

  1. Thanks Kaori Chan for your hard work!!! So glad to see so much support to Love Rain and no doubt Uri Prince J is so handsome and cool. I watched part of the stream on line last night, when they showed 70s part with all the old music, Carpenters, Love Story and then you see Sukkie go up the stage that Seo Joon image right there, I bet people would impressed about he put up two different roles so well. I’m looking forward to that in Love Rain.

  2. Awww…sis Kaori chan, thank you so very much for your hardwork putting LR press conference event together. You did Great, sis!!! All the casts look their best and happy!! So many rice wreathes, so much love from fans. I’m praying LOVE RAIN will live up to its expectation. LOVE RAIN shows your very best to the viewers. Fighting Fighting!!!!!

    PS. I see a JKSforever ribbon at the bottom, so happy!! I would be happier if they show the full ECI beautiful banner….. hmmm

  3. Thanks Tenshi, I watched all the videos posted though I don’t understand a word they are saying …. Just watching Sukkie and hearing that voice / laughter of his is enough ^ ^

  4. Thanks Tenshi for your effort and update… Hope Love Rain will be the best drama for 2012.. 3 more days to go… Love Rain Fighting!!!

  5. good job!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks for the detailed updates of this Love Rain press con yesterday…

    really a great thing to follow this site as the updates never failed to keep me very updated with news & info of our Prince…

    thank you tenshi & i wanna learn from you the skill in updating my FB Fan pages too..

  6. Tenshi, thanks so much!
    It was great seeing Keun Suk so happy and relaxed at the press con.
    Sarang Bi fightinggg ~~ ^^


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