27 thoughts on “[Pics] YMP Fan Meeting @Kyosera Dome part2”

    • Yes, I was knocked down by him at first sight literally… Can you imagine he changed into so sexy a guy in a moment? I didn’t expect at all that I could watch his manly side at YMP FM.

  1. Woww! from cute Momo in jeans to hot Momo in suit … he’s really like a chameleon … the minute he changes his hairstyle that’s when a totally different Keun Suk emerges. Crossing fingers he’s going to sport that cool stylish hairdo in the present-day story of Love Rain ^^

    • This is a great vid collections of his kiss scene, I really enjoy it and also love to read those comments about what he said when he shot the scene. Thanks QQ, my YT Queen!

      • aphrael.. anyway to help Kaori chan view this? Can she download the YT link via real player and convert to other format & view?

    • QQeyes / Kaori,

      I’m not sure if Real Player can download a YT blocked video.

      The other way I can think of is we download the vid and upload to Mediafire for Kaori (and others) to download, but I can only do this (late) tonight… have to go see doc….

      Kaori, if I forget, pls remind me…. ^^

      • @aphrael, you are not feeling well?? you caught the flu bug from Suk or having love sick for Suk ^^
        take care and get well soon….

      • aphrael, you said you would have a date with your doctor tonight? On Valentine’s day? You might be considered as a Kabayaki! Lol. Just kidding.

        You cough now, right? I’m sorry to hear that, but your cold might be moved from Sukkie. It’s my turn. You can pass your cold on to me. Then, you’ll get well soon! Sukkie’s cold circulates… Lol. Anyway, I hope you and Sukkie will recover your health soon 🙂

      • tenshi…. i didn’t know you’re as humorous as Sukkie! ….. argh…i don’t want to be kabayaki~!! T_T

        i even called the clinic to check that the doc will be there instead of going out on his Valentine’s date, keke, poor doc …

      • Oh dear… aphrael, hope you’re better now.. even Sukkie’s virus has passed on to you on Valentine’s day…must be his flying kisses on Valentine’s day for his eels.. ^_^ anyway, take care & recover soon!

      • hahaa Tenshi you have good humour ^^

        There seems to be a persistent bug going around, i thought i had recovered from my new year flu, but caught the valentine’s bug just last week…

        Get well soon……and Oppa JKS……same to you, i hope you are feeling well and fully recovered already!!! <3

  2. Thanks Tenshi 🙂 ….. Love all the pics !!! Sooo amazing Suk, can’t even make out tat He’s not feeling well ^_^….. Love you Sukkie- My Valentine ^_*
    QQ thanks for the vd ,Lovely …. “HAPPY VALENTINE’S” everyone 🙂

  3. I thought my obsession with Sukkie will last for a couple of months only but it seems that i am getting drowned every single day!!!

    Such a lovely face 😀 Thank you for sharing the photos 😀

  4. WOW! the professional artist that he is, you won’t even notice he’s got the flu if you didn’t know about it; the show must go on. i totally admire his passion and dedication to his craft. hands down! 🙂

    thanks kaori-chan for the photos! love all of ’em!

  5. Thanks so much!
    Really seem to be two different persons each time he change his look.
    I hope he feels well soon, the flu is terrible.

    Aphrael, I hope that you heal quickly. Take care.

  6. Still have 45 minutes to go before ends of the Valentines Day!
    Happy Valentines to all …hope you have a great day today (I am sure, with Sukkie’s and staff’s message today).
    aphrael, get well soon….

  7. Thanks to Koari and Aphrael for the beautiful pics.
    By the way out of curiousity coz I’ve not been following this blog for quiet sometime
    due to heavy work schedule – I’ve not been seeing Farina’s comments lately – is she still the President of the EELS CLUB???


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