17 thoughts on “[fan-cam 4] JKS departs from Niigata after CRI SHOW III_20150328”

  1. Awww… The most sweet thing is when they filmed the take off of the plane..maybe i am wrong but I doubt anyone did that b4 with their idol

  2. I don’t know why, but this sweet video made me really cry! Just seeing his loving eels watching his plane take off and disappear into the distance…. They could hardly bear to leave even then. It was like a scene from a movie where friends, lovers, or family are parted at a train station or airport. Truly touching!

  3. It’s a moving moment. Eel were standing in the rooftop of the building to send him off. He took picture from airplane and tweeted it. That’s the bonding between JKS and his eels.
    This scene reminds me of the lyrics of “The sky and you”:I was looking up at the faraway blue sky. It occurred to me, you must be looking at the same one…..”

    • Since I am his eel, this was the first time I have seen this…and he saw it and his heart must have burst with pride and passion..making him capture that moment and share it with us to let us know it did not go unnoticed by him… He is such a loving and grateful man

  4. So touching…. eels are amazing…. i think from now on eels gonna send him off like this and also from the rooftop…. , 🙂

      • It is true Mamacri he is always attentive and observes everything, I Love him, I am a proud eel.

  5. “And can you feel the love tonight… it is where we are…”
    Eels love for Jang Keun Suk – you could Feel it even through the video.
    And the energy he gained when they called to him… he fairly glowed as he went up the escalator! LOL


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