19 thoughts on “[2014-02-23] Jang Keun Suk LINE”

  1. This year Seoul is much warmer than usual.
    I can say warmer weather and less snow is not good for snowboarding.
    So he doesn’t have to worry it’s not simply because of his age 😛

    • no dear Tenshi do not say it right out loud! he is trying to conceal it in his message, kkk! but truth is I think he just did it too late in the month already. i am just really happy that he was still able to find time to do it. i hope he still had fun, falling is painful! ^^

    • hahaha…Tenshi if Sukkie would decide to teach classes…any kind of class guess the waiting list will be really really long…and we would want to fail just to stay on a bit longer..hahaha even I with my 51+ yrs old bones would want to give it a go LOL

  2. Nice to see he took some time off to do something for himself….
    Guess nobody would recognize him with the outfit…except for his snowboard…is it special designed wit Suk’s?
    Is it Ferrino stuff he is wearing or just his “old” stuff

  3. Sugar Sukkie really keeps things well. The outfit and the snowboard gears he had were exactly like the ones he had when he took an MV for Team H “Rock and Roll Tonight last March which is about a year ago. He also fell many times but not hurting himself. May I suggest that as you are getting you need to be trained how to fall and not getting bone fractured. I was trained pretty late I really think we should have this kind of training from a very young age.

    Anyway, the bright orangish trousers were just right for you sweetie.

    And thank you very much to QQeyes007 for the link to the Team H “Rock and Roll Tonight” how wonderful to be in this international eel community.


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