If news is correct, Jang Keun Suk is hosting the 2nd Seoul Culture & Arts Awards ceremony.
Time: Monday 28 Feb 2011, 7.30 pm
Venue: Olympics Park Gymnastics Hall
Hosts: 김병찬, 이다햬, 장근석 Jang Keun Suk
Objective of event:
– A free nation-wide cultural programme in aid of disadvantaged groups in society
– To develop Korean popular arts and culture towards a culturally strong country
It seems that this programme organiser, the director of Seoul Culture & Arts Association, Cui Lan, is also the Vice Principal of Hanyang Combined Arts School, and seems to have contacts with JKS.
Credits: Baidusukbar
地点:奥林匹克公园体操馆(地铁5号线奥林匹克公园站3号出口 TEL02-410-1683)
ps:组织此次活动的韩国首尔文化艺术协会 理事长跟suk那是相当有缘哦
崔兰 韩国首尔文化艺术协会 理事长
(汉城综合艺术学校 副校长)
Wow I’m impressed, does this mean that people in the business take him seriously and it’s just not us fangirls fawning over him lol? I’m so happy for him, he’s such a great actor!
Good step forward! He has good advisors.
I guess they have acknowleged that he is not just a very actor but a very intellectual man because he always give good speech. And that he got a lot of followers and seems to be very influencial. Being a young actor who have been in the same trade and being successful would be a good example for the new generation.