I should have watched this broadcast in Japan..tut
http://youtu.be/SQB96exP3GMㅡ이 방송까지 일본에서 보고올걸 그랬나..쩝
Breakfast~!Today it’s upgraded to a legendary Pulgogi burger of LOTTERIA…!!
아침식사~!오늘은 전설의 롯데리아 불고기버거로 업 그레이드…!!
The 2nd Tokyo diary of Master of eels will be uploaded in 10 minutes!!
두목 장어의 도쿄다이어리 2탄 10분 후업로드 예정!!
I started to sign an autograph on 50 copies of Guen-chan’s first albums I didn’t remember to buy last night!!
기억나지 않는 어젯밤을 뒤로하고 구입했던 근짱의 첫 앨범50장에 직접 싸인하기 시작!! おぼえない昨日の夜後昨日かったぐんちゃんのアルバム50まいにちょきせつサインをしてた!!
Sightseeing along the street starts~~~
거리구경 시작~~~ 道に行ったかた~~
For public relations, I’m sure Karaoke spot is the best!
홍보는 역시 가라오케아 최고쥐~~ Prはやっぱカラオケのほうがさいこじゃん!
Now, you can take one~~
자 너도 하나 가져~~ おい~お前もあげる~~
I got it.
受け取りました RT @h1r0k1110: @pamyurin チャン・グンソクさんが!
tenshi_akuma’s note: She is a Japanese artist, kyarypamyupamyu. Her fan tweeted her attached the pic, and then she replied.
With friends at Takyoyaki (Gindako) shop. I gave them CDs, but there was no discount….-_-
다코야키 친구들이랑~근데 dc는 없었다….-_- ぎんだこのともたちと~cdをあげたけどdcはなかった-_-
tenshi_akuma’s note: Takoyaki is very famous Japanese snack containing octopus. The shop name is Gindako.
I gave them for free to friends at Ramen shop~
라멘집 친구들에게도 무료배포~ がまくらのともたちにもあげたよん~
tenshi_akuma’s note: The shop name is KAMUKURA(神座). This English website mistook the name. This is their official web site.
There are a lot of places I want to go in Shinjuku!!
역시 신주꾸는 가 보고 싶은 곳이 참 많아!! やっぱ新宿は行きたいどころがたくさんある!!
tenshi_akuma’s note: Kabukicho, Shinjuku is the biggest amusement areas in Japan. This ad is for men need a comfort given by professional women.
Thanks Tenshi !!!! Sukkie made my day & my nite
Sukkie is really good in marketing and I can imagine if he is not an artiste, he would do well and successful in other areas ^_^
Oh gosh! the last picture seems like he is teasing the media with humor as well as making all his eels laugh out loud since the last incident of “Sushi”!!!
hahaha buddy, when i saw this, the first thing i had on my mind is these places will be flooded by eels soon, it’s like a free marketing service from suk : ) they should just give him discount!! really!
my favorite!!!!!!! Takoyaki
The last pic~~~~lol naughty suk kkkkk
It’s nice to see Prince going around like a normal person without paparazzi
For a moment I wish I were the one working in the stall

They are so lucky and free album with autograph was given to them by our Princejks personally..it’s a dream come true for us eels
Most happy to see our Princejks is enjoying himself with friends
Love Princejks always
Love sukkie always.Happy see him freedom without paparazzi !