11 thoughts on “[Video] TEAM H Halloween Party at Makuhari_20151101”

  1. Thank you Tenshi for sharing the great video. Really enjoy the party with our beloved Prince and BB. I received the membership confirmation. Thank you again.

  2. Thank you sooooo much!! Very kind of you for sharing it with us who missed the opportunity to be there..

  3. Thank U Thank U Thankyou Tenshi … Thank you so much my dear ..

    I just saw this video .. I`m Very happy ..:)

  4. Tenshi, Thank you so much for sharing but Eels in USA cannot watch due to This video contains from PONYCANYON. It is not available for thoose in USA.

    Please let me know that is there another video can be shared to USA eels??

  5. Tenshi is there any other link with english subtitle pls. thanks for the video soooo happy to watch it.thanks for the effort you make all international eels happy.


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