[article] JKS appeared the event to welcome ASEAN leaders’ spouses as a surprise guest

Original source: YONHAP NEWS
English translation: Wen Lee from ECI

At the special leaders’ summit of the 10 members ASEAN & South Korea at Busan today, Hallyu star Mr Jang Keun Suk acted as the guide for the spouses of the leaders at a welcome event. Could see Mr Jang’ high popularity in South East Asia.
Visiting places like the Busan Arts Museum and the Film Hall especially used for film festival etc, lunch welcome event included the spouses of leaders from Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia. Female guide was the first secretary of presidential palace, Cho Yoon Sun. When everyone got to the film hall, Mr Jang appeared without any prior warning, gave the first ladies a surprise.
In the role of a guide, Mr Jang said ‘companions who are not happy with each other, will be friends again once they enter the film hall’, wishing friendship between Korea & ASEAN.

7 thoughts on “[article] JKS appeared the event to welcome ASEAN leaders’ spouses as a surprise guest”

  1. wow, I´m so happy for him. I think it was a good decision. He is a very talkative and smart gentleman.

  2. Hi Tenshi, thank you for the pic and info about the article. However, just want to highlight that if you don’t mind, standing beside Prince JKS is the leader spouse from Malaysia not Thailand.


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