16 thoughts on “[Pics] AP Shop Shibuya JKS wall poster”

  1. There are the pictures from his official calendar, I think. Love them. So beautiful in those close-ups. Thank you as always for sharing. 🙂 Hope to visit the shop one day. Lucky that person in the green jacket…can just come in. 😀

  2. Woooow!!That was soooo huge pictures. Maybe it is so nice to live near on that building, wish i could see those poster everyday.hehe.it may bring good vibes and lots of energy by looking on that poster,,haha. 😉 if I live there my day will always be complete by just looking at the poster of Prince Keun Suk..very lovely poster!!! It will attracts many shopper to go there..thanks a lot for sharing

  3. Oh, you have added new pics. I’ve heard he got that mask from en eel in Osaka. I wonder wich song he sang with that on his head. Lol 😀

  4. This Sugar man could kill you just by his smile and his serious deep look into your eyes. I agree with Emily that we may get accident quite easily if we drive or walk at that corner in Shibuya, kkkkk

  5. How I wish I can visit this shop and take a picture with this big and awesome wall poster.. 🙂

  6. Thanks for pic&info this is beautiful wall paper with the most beautiful young man in the world,love you my PrinceJKS


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