[article] The Korean who influences Turkish Women : Jang Keun-suk

A big news channel (TV station) in Turkey reported that the Korean who influences Turkish Women is Jang Keun-suk! It’s a great news! The article is short, but there are JKS’ 55 photos on the website (The order of photos are random, so I changed their order a bit). Actually, Turkish eels did a lot of support to JKS. You can see some of them from here. Go Go JKS and Turkish eels! Lastly, I’d like you to retweet their tweet https://twitter.com/cnnturkcom/status/476656589005668352 about this article ^^ Original source: cnnturk.com English translation: Sevinc Gewweze from ECI In 80s and 90s Turkish women loved to watch South American dramas (soap operas). They … Read more

[Pics] Turkish eels support ‘Beautiful Man (Bel Ami)’

Original source: JANG KEUN SUK TURKEY FAN ”TURKISH EELS” Shared the BTS by Sevinc Gewweze from ECI We are really happy that we made it finally. We tried to send kebaps to ‘Love Rain’ set but we couldn’t 🙁 Our long-waited dream came true on January 6th, 2014!!!! Seeing his smiley face in that picture is really great for us 🙂 We couldn’t prepare any banner or so… just sent it to treeJ staff & jks… We talked with cri-j staff for a while but we couldn’t arrange things, but yesterday cri-j staff said they sent kebaps for lunch ^^

[news] Turkish Eels Showed JKS Ad on IHT to Korean Diplomats_20130109

Credit: Turkish Eel / Mirine Miri Springsuk_USA’s note: The Turkish eels have done a great job of promoting JKS and his own countries diplomats to show how many fans support him in Turkey and the world. See the detail as follows. Jan 09 2013, there was Korean culture event in Turkey, a Korean Parliamentary came to Turkey to meet Turkish who are interested in Korean Culture. Korean ambassador, Korean culture envoy and Korean culture undersecretary were there. They were asking questions to Turkish about which star they like and what Korean stuff they would like to see in Turkey. The following report are from our ECI member Mirine Miri about … Read more

[2023-02-09] CRAFT_42_official Twitter

15:19 [#JKS NEWS 📰] #Jang Keun Suk, donated 100 million won to Turkish earthquake recovery “I hope I can give a helping hand to them” (Source : YTN | NAVER TV Entertainment) https://naver.me/GZj4TQAV [#JKS NEWS 📰] #장근석, 튀르키예 지진 피해 복구에 1억 원 기부 "도움의 손길 전할 수 있길" (출처 : YTN | 네이버 TV연예) https://naver.me/GZj4TQAV

[fan-made] WHY Jang Keun Suk?

Turkish eels inspire us to think back why Jang Keun Suk. It’s another big question for us. Countless adjectives are still not enough for the answer. However, maybe the answer must be simple. Why JKS? Because he’s Jang Keun Suk! That’s all : ) Credits: TheTurkishEels

[14.04.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter highlights

UPDATE: April 15 In Japan he got trend as a word “爆ツイ (tweet storm)”. “爆ツイ” has become very famous among eels. Even though we didn’t use hash tag, eels tweeted like “JKS started tweet storm (爆ツイ)” and it became a big trend during that period! 😉 * Shown here are 33 of his 71 tweets. Shared by Sukbar (33) JKS: ah ya my battery .. bye cri 哎呀我的电池..bye cri