[01.01.2013] Tree-J staff twitter & Weibo

@codeinconnu (twitter)
Mr. Ho Ling! Really love you today! Can feel your love for actor Jang! Really thank you very much! – Queen of Chinese artiste world Madam Xie Na! Your husband’s tank performance is very fantastic! Have to learn Chinese from now on!!
허지웅님! 오늘 너무 반했어요! 장배우를 너무 예뻐해주시는 마음이 느껴졌어요!! 정말 정말 감사합니다!! ㅡ 중국 예능여왕 시에나님! 남편분의 탱크 퍼포먼스도 짱! 이제부터 중국 공부합니다!!
何炅先生!今天真是太愛你了!能感覺到你對張演員的疼愛!真的真的非常感謝你!─ 中國藝能界女王謝娜女士!老公的坦克演出也非常棒喔!現在開始要學中文了!!

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[Pics-1] Hunan TV countdown party rehearsal

Credits: Hunan TV
In the afternoon of 31 December, four hours before the live broadcast of Hunan TV’s countdown party, Korean pretty boy Jang Keun Suk finally was spotted at the rehearsal venue, appearing on stage in a yellow Ferrari sports car. At the rehearsal, popular pretty boy enjoyed the treatment of a mega star and started to rehearse after the venue was cleared of fans. Fans outside the venue could only listen to their idol sing through the partitioning curtains but were still very excited and beat in time to the rhythm.

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[31.12.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

Actor Jang whose rehearsal originally scheduled for 1 hour ended in just 30 minutes! Meeting emcee Ho Ling who came to the waiting room personally to help confirm programme contents and wow~~ chatting enthusiastically like brothers

[30.12.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

Once coming to the site, there are still much room for arrangement. ㅡ I’m about to go to make a preliminary examination so that our Actor and Team H will perform nicely at rehearsal tomorrow. ㅡ At the end of 2012, busy but enjoyable ㅡ We still have energy and can enjoy work, that’s why we’ve been able to make it until today!
현장 오니, 다시 정리할 것 투성이 ㅡ 내일 리허설에 우리 배우와 팀H가 멋지게 설 수 있도록 답사 가는 길- ㅡ 바쁘고도 즐거운 2012년의 연말 ㅡ 아직까지 체력이 있다 아직까지 일이 즐겁다 아직까지 우리가 좋다 그래, 그거면 된거야!

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