[2019-11-19] Tree-J Twitter

English translation: Zoe from ECI

If you want to check the result of your 2020 Cri J 11th membership application
as well as updated information, check “My page” –membership application details, please.

2020 Cri J 11기
정회원 가입 및 갱신 결과를
확인하고 싶은 분들은
My page – 정회원신청내역을

[2019-11-18] Tree-J Twitter

English translation: Zoe from ECI

Due to too much traffic on the website,
it seems the confirmation emails are not being sent.

If you have finished your renewal following the procedure described in the notice, you have become the member,
regardless of whether you received the confirmation email or not.

We will solve the problem with approval emails as soon as possible.

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