[ENG-SUB] JKS message for CRI-J 5th annual meeting

Credit: Jang Keun Suk Official Fan Club Cri J
English translation: tenshi_akuma
Timing: Pei

tenshi_akuma’s note *1: When he’s drunk, he recorded this typical greeting on his mobile phone. He himself doesn’t know when he started it, but it’s a good way to know how much he drunk then. He revealed this episode and his drunken selfie videos during 2017 GIFT FM.
tenshi_akuma’s note *2: In 2017 GIFT FM, there is a segment that JKS teaches natural Korean phrases. He taught this 3 useful words in Yokohama FM.

[2017-04-10] Tree-J twitter

Did you enjoy CRI-J 5th annual meeting held last weekend?
We release here JKS’ autographed photos Actor Jang prepared for the event!
To those who won this by lot, congratulations!

지난 주말, 제 5회 크리제이 정모!
모두 즐거우셨나요?
그 날을 위해
장배우가 준비한 싸인 사진 대공개!
추첨으로 받으신 분,

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