[2014-07-29] Tree-J twitter

[Jang Keun Suk ZIKZIN Radio] ZIKZIN Radio, the next theme is ‘Birthday’!!! Please send your episode to Korean official fan club Princejks.com staff blog, Japanese official fan club JKS CHOICE, and Chinese official website. #jks_zikzin_radio
[장근석의 직진라디오] 직진라디오 다음 주제는 ‘생일’!!! 사연은 공홈스텝블로그 일본,중국 공식 홈페이지로 보내주세요. #jks_zikzin_radio

[2014-07-29] AsiaPrince_JKS Facebook

Original source: AsiaPrince_JKS official Facebook

[STARCAST] “Bubble gum, blow up this big~” poster shooting of Jang Keun Suk
[스타캐스트] “풍선껌, 이 정도는 불어야죠~” 장근석 화보 촬영 현장 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=420&aid=0000001106

tenshi_akuma’s note: His official Facebook updated the news shared already the other day. You can read the English article from here.

[2014-07-29] @nar_style twitter

Getting better and better!!! Well-built and shoulder line is great!!! #fitness #diet #bootcamp #gym I dont mention who he is!!!!!
Getting better and better!!! 프레임 좋고 어깨 살아있고!!!#fitness #diet #bootcamp #gym I dont mention who he is!!!!!

tenshi_akuma’s note: But we know who he is ^^ Thanks for helping his work-out!