[07.01.2014] Jang Keun Suk LINE

According to twitter, the official fan club CriJ gave him a cake and champagne to celebrate the final shooting.

English translation: tenshi_akuma
Q: How are your feeling?
A: Great. Now I can sleep tight. Thank you!
Q: Please say something to eels around the world.
A: Thank you so much for catering trucks. When the staff had occasional memory lapses to show thankfulness, I threatened them, saying “You must skip catering trucks!” Lol. Thanks to catering trucks, I think we became more united. Thank you for your interest. I will keep doing my best. Thank you!

[Pics] Turkish eels support ‘Beautiful Man (Bel Ami)’

Shared the BTS by Sevinc Gewweze from ECI

We are really happy that we made it finally. We tried to send kebaps to ‘Love Rain’ set but we couldn’t 🙁 Our long-waited dream came true on January 6th, 2014!!!! Seeing his smiley face in that picture is really great for us 🙂
We couldn’t prepare any banner or so… just sent it to treeJ staff & jks… We talked with cri-j staff for a while but we couldn’t arrange things, but yesterday cri-j staff said they sent kebaps for lunch ^^

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[07.01.2014] CRI-J staff twitter

UPDATE: added pics of JKS with Latin American eels banner


[Beautiful Man Support] Last night Samgyetang and buffet were sponsored by the Latin American eels and coffee and tea were by Arab eels.
[예쁜남자서포트] 어제 저녁은 라틴장어님들이 삼계탕과 뷔페를 아랍장어님들이 커피차를 서포트하였습니다

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