[23.03.3013] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

Note: Background about this conversation, weibo ID minchan83 is JKS’s friend, weibo ID minzzangde is Tree J staff, first when JKS sent out weibo, he meant to send to minchan83 but accidently sent out to his staff. Later he realize it, he send the message to the right person again. IT is store selling high end fashion in Shanghai, JKS visited there when he was in Shanghai a week ago and he loves it. xiao long bao, is a Shanghai dimsum, very yummy.

Jang Keun Suk @minzzandge Want to come to Taiwan to see my concert? Then please buy Alexander McQueen accesorries, I will buy you concert ticket and xiao long bao
想要来看台湾演唱会吗? 那买过来Alexander Mcqueen的饰品.那我买给你演唱会票和小笼包
@minzzangde 대만공연보러 오고싶냐? 그엄 알렉산더 맥퀸 악세사리좀 사와 공연티켓이랑 샤오롱바오 사줄게

Jang Keun Suk: By the way, IT has lots of pretty stuff…. I’m just saying…
@minzzangde 참고로 IT 에 이쁜거 많음.. 그냥 그렇다고..

Jang Keun Suk: ahh, this is Han Ji Min… sorry.
啊 这个是韩智敏啊ㅡㅡsorry
@minzzangde 엇 이거 한지민이었네 ㅡㅡ쏴리

Jang Keun Suk: You, want to come to Taiwan to see my concert? Then buy the Alexander McQueen’s accessories, I will buy you concert ticket and xiao long bao. Btw, IT has lots of pretty stuff… I’m just saying….kkkkk Eels attack here!
你 想要来看台湾演唱会吗? 那买过来Alexander Mcqueen的饰品.那我买给你演唱会票和小笼包.顺便说一下IT里漂亮的很多…..我就是顺便说一下ㅋㅋㅋㅋ鳗鱼们啊攻击这里!!!!!
@minchan83 야 대만 공연 오고싶냐? 그럼 악렉산더 맥퀸 악세사리 좀 사와 그럼 공연티켓이랑 샤오롱 바오 사줄게..참고로 IT 에 이쁜거 많더라..그냥 그렇다고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 장어들아 여기 공격하라!!!!