[13.02.2013] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

Team H Jang Keun Suk exclusive blog will be open tomorrow. Is there anyone who wants to visit…??? The URL will be released at 12 o’clock tomorrow!! I’ll upload one never-before-seen videos each day!!! Is there anyone who wants to see???
Team H 장근석만의 블로그가 내일 오픈인데 혹시 놀러오고 싶은사람…?? 주소는 내일 열두시 공개 !!하루에 하나씩 미공개 영상 추가크리!!! 보고싶은 사~~~람 ???

[13.02.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Ah, I can’t stand it anymore. I will open Team H, Jang Keun Suk ameba blog at 12 o’clock, not 4 o’clock tomorrow!!! Oh yeah, this pic…picture was taken during the shooting MV. kkk
あーがまんできない。 Team-Hチャングンソクアメブロ、あした4じじゃなくて12じからオープン!!!おーいえーしゃ、、しゃしんはさつえい中のwww
tenshi_akuma’s note: Ameba blog is a Japanese famous blog service.