[20.01.2013] CriJ-3 Twitter

Credit: Sukbar

Eels are Jang Keun Suk’s backbones! The support event at the airport were really nice and perfectly finished!!! Even tho there were lots of great photos on the news already…. here we post these two late pictures. There will be more his going abroad pictures updated on Princejks.com and CriJ-3 FC later on. Good night.

장근석공식팬클럽Cri-J ‏@JKS_cri_j3
장근석의 빽은 장어떼! 공항 이벤트 정말 멋지게 잘해낸 장어떼들 멋졌습니다!!! 기사에 멋진 사진들이 많이 나왔지만…^^;; 뒷북 사진 올립니다.

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