[Reporter’s Note] Jang Keun Suk, please let us see more of your pretentious style!

————————– Aphrael77’s Note ————————–

Before the translated article, I’d like to explain the negative JKS’ nickname which marred his reputation and artiste career. I understand it but its meaning is a bit harder to translate into concise English (where I feel my lack of vocabulary keenly). If I still translate it wrongly, please feel free to correct me.

허세 (ho-sei)

I think it means a false outward appearance (or gestures/actions) where one pretends to know more and be more than what one actually is. For lack of a better phrase, I shall term it as “pretentious style” in this translation.

We know the history of his nickname, and the purpose of posting this translation is not for us to keep on throwing eggs at all the people who have caused hurt to JKS before (even if we feel like doing it ^^), but rather, articles like this coming from the Korean media and hopefully reaching more of the Korean general public may have more far-reaching influence and serve as an initial step to change their perspective of our beloved JKS. We cannot expect a total absence of criticisms and misunderstandings, which may still happen where JKS’ unique frankness and confidence clash with Korean society and culture; but what we can do is to continue to show full support for our Prince.


[Reporter’s Note] Jang Keun Suk, please let us see more of your pretentious style!

Jang Keun Suk acts as usual without any misgivings. His confidence once labelled as “pretentious” has now become a new embellishment for his ambition to be the Prince of Asia, as said at the 2 November “You’re my Pet” press conference. In the movie, he acts as a promising ballet dancer Kang In-ho who crosses over to become a musical actor.

“Am I an actor, singer or dancer? This is a movie about finding one’s true self. Indeed, the Prince of Asia is not a role that can be assumed casually,” JKS compliments himself. Although it made people laugh, his (offensive) forthrightness and liberal spirit came across strongly.

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[03.11.2011] Twitter

Shared by Sukbar

A planned complete overhaul of Tree-J’s management department. Curry-bread man bye cri!
Tree-J 管理部门计划全面修改 咖喱面包男bye cri!

rok_kim: “JKS Gift Package” movie “You’re my Pet” fighting!! Eels will cheer and be happy. I have watched it seriously. Congrats!!
JKS: keke, thanks for coming. I’m hungry, boss keke
【rok_kim:“张根硕礼物套装”电影“宠物情人”加油!!鳗鱼们要欢呼雀跃了 我有认真看哦 祝贺!!】【suk:呵呵 谢谢你能来 肚子饿社长 呵呵】

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[News] YMP press conference


On 2 Nov afternoon, “You’re my Pet” (YMP) press conference was held. The leads Kim Ha-neul and Jang Keun Suk and director Kim Byung-kun attended.

In the romantic comedy adapted from Japanese manga, Kim Ha-neul acts as Chi-eun and JKS acts as coquettish and absolutely faithful pet In-ho.

Based on the novel by Japanese author Yayoi Ogawa, the plot has already been affirmed. The movie describes the meeting, mutual understanding and friendship between owner and pet – the socially passive Chi-eun and popular and talented classical ballet In-ho.

JKS said, “I watched the movie very seriously. Up til now, I don’t have a work which I’m 100% satisfied with. There’s always some regrets. But amongst all my works, I’m most satisfied with YMP, really fortunate. This is a movie that can be watched relaxingly without any burden.”

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