JKS announces Tree-J’s new official Youtube channel

Pic credits: G1_yoon
News source: Sukbar

At the Osaka concert on 22 Oct, Prince Jang Keun Suk announced that Tree-J’s new official Youtube channel will be in operation in the coming week(s). The web address is: http://www.youtube.com/user/treeJcompany
今晚大阪场arena tour,王纸说下下周会开通Tree-J 官方Youtube频道,现在YT上已经有tree-j用户了,等新东西上传 tree-j YT —

Some pics of arena tour

At this arena tour, JKS has refused eels’ offer of gifts. Instead, he asks us to donate some money to the victims of March 11. He prepared the message card for people who donated.

*The message written in the card: “The bond”
Let’s take each other’s hands and live with energy. Pray for Japan!

For more pics,

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