[25.8.2011] Weibo

The memory of being on the chartered plane … was very scared in the beginning, but fell asleep drooling k k k k
乘坐专机的回忆…开始怕的要死,竟然留着口水睡着了k k k k
전세기의 추억…완전 쫄아있다가 침흘리고 잠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[25.8.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by: Sukbar
At the filming scene of “You’re my Pet”, 400 kg polar bear in the performance but there is something familiar … the camera keeps filming me hehehehehe
宠物情人拍摄现场 北极400公斤的熊出演 但是有眼熟的…照相机一直在拍我 呵呵呵呵呵呵

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[25.8.2011] Weibo

Hahahahahahaha it’s too funny. Early morning, I laughed until my stomach hurt. hehehehe
噗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 太搞笑了 一大早开始肚子都笑痛了 呵呵呵呵
푸하하하핳ㅎ하라 왕웃겨 아침부터 배잡네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Click this link to the animated gif done by a Chinese eel.

[24.8.2011] Weibo and twitter

Shared by: Sukbar / KSC
This is a chartered flight!!! But frankly speaking, I was a bit scared… Gun-sama scared me by saying that small planes jolt a lot… but I fell asleep, drooling … -_-
이것이 전세기다!!!!근데 솔직히 쫄았음..건사마가 작은비행기 많이 흔들린다고 겁줬음.. 근데 침흘리면서 잤다-_-

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[Pics] TBC advertising campaign

Credits: aiponyo415, missmiao, KSC and as tagged
TBC, a Japanese beauty salon with many outlets in Japan, have engaged Jang Keun Suk for its advertising campaign, together with Ōshima Yuko and Maeda Atsuko of Japanese girls’ group AKB48.

Announced at the press conference this morning, in line with the theme of “Open Your Beauty”, board advertisements will appear in more than 200 places across 7 Japanese cities from 25 August, and the TV advertisement is scheduled to air on 7 September.

For more pics,

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[News] YMP filming at Ibaraki cancelled

According to the article, the shooting of “You’re my Pet” (YMP) in Ibaraki is cancelled for fear of radiation risk. Jang Keun Suk’s Korean fans have also expressed much concern over radiation risk.

Source: Ibaraki-Shinbun (20 August, 2011)
Shared by: tenshi_akuma

[21.8.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by: Sukbar
Wow… first time sitting in this car … If this car is scratched, I’ll have to be sold. hehehe, Jason, why did you not prepare this car for me in China …. bad manager
哇。。第一次坐这车。。这个如果被刮花了要卖了我才行啊 呵呵呵 jason为什么在中国没给我准备这样的车呢。。坏经纪人