Kiss Sukkie? Read on … :p

As shared by shizuka (from a show that I’ve not seen before), the interviewer asked Jang Keun Suk where he would like to be kissed most.

Please ensure you are above the legal age limit before clicking to find out what his answer is!

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[24 Feb 2011] Codes Combine – JKS voice recording

Click here to hear the voice recording of Jang Keun Suk saying this line in bold.

Fan: Give me an encouraging sentence that will cheer me up during tough times.
JKS: Cheer up… because you still have me …. Hahahahahaha
(JKS breaks into usual loud laughter… maybe because he himself thinks it is too mushy)

Recording credits: 희망엄마 from DC
Shared by KeunSukChina


硕:加油..因为你还有我 噗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈…