"Let me cry" Album Cover & Tokyo Showcase

Album name: Let me cry

Limited Edition Includes:
Track 1: Let me cry
Track 2: Bye Bye Bye
Track 3: 一绪に作ったメロディ
Instrumental versions of all 3 tracks
Coupon A to exchange for a gift at Tokyo Showcase (purchase of showcase ticket is not included)
Special: Limited edition DVD with footage of JKS’ song recording process and cover picture photo shoot

Normal Edition Includes:

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[27 Feb – News] Korean, Chinese & Japan fans queued overnight for JKS autograph

Asian fans queued overnight at actor Jang Keun Suk’s fan meeting

On 24 Feb at 4.30 pm, Jang Keun Suk met 100 fans at Codes Combine shop located in the vicinity of Hong Ik University.

For this event, only the first 100 fans according to their order of arrival can get the autograph, and there were already more than 100 fans who gathered on 23 Feb night, causing some disturbance which was soon under control.

Fans from Korean, Japan, China and Taiwan were all women and during the autograph, made some requests which JKS fulfilled. Some fans also went down on their knees in order to see eye-to-eye with JKS, and JKS joined both hands together with fans as a form of greeting.

After completing the fan autograph session,

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Kiss Sukkie? Read on … :p

As shared by shizuka (from a show that I’ve not seen before), the interviewer asked Jang Keun Suk where he would like to be kissed most.

Please ensure you are above the legal age limit before clicking to find out what his answer is!

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[24 Feb 2011] Codes Combine – JKS voice recording

Click here to hear the voice recording of Jang Keun Suk saying this line in bold.

Fan: Give me an encouraging sentence that will cheer me up during tough times.
JKS: Cheer up… because you still have me …. Hahahahahaha
(JKS breaks into usual loud laughter… maybe because he himself thinks it is too mushy)

Recording credits: 희망엄마 from DC
Shared by KeunSukChina


硕:加油..因为你还有我 噗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈…

[24 Feb 2011] Codes Combine – 1 more video

Credits: leejoongjang

Ok, I simply cannot resist posting this video.
This is definitely different because, well, for one, Jang Keun Suk hugged a fan, which gave rise to oohs of envy.
Also, while JKS was sitting at the table waiting for the autograph to start, he was singing casually to himself … 🙂