[2017-02-11] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

[Reply to CRI-J twitter]
Great, my eels! Be careful not to catch a cold TT for sure!
멋져요 장어들! 추우니까 감기조심 ㅠ 꼬옥!
[aeshin volunteer activity] Today’s our job is to change the roof of silk. Team Zizin and MR.JKS.JAPAN eels who sponsored a part of the repair expense, thank you so much~~!!
[애신동산 봉사활동] 오늘 맡은 일은 견사 지붕 교체작업입니다! 견사 지붕 비용 일부를 협찬해주신 Team ZikZin와 MR.JKS.JAPAN 장어님들 감사합니다~~!!

My supplements. #shit instagram.com/p/BQXcDT8Fv76/

2 thoughts on “[2017-02-11] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”

  1. Waaaahh I was completely amazed.. CRI-J eels volunteer so many activities.. Eels r doing a great job in the name of our Prince.. ????????????


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