[Pics] JKS in BTS photos of ‘Daebak’ shooting

As before, Jo Kyoung Hoon who played Six Ghost in “Daebak” shared some BTS photos of Daebak shooting to cheer Jang Keun Suk, other costars and staff.

Original source: jo_kyoung_hoon Instagram
The staff, senior and junior actors, everyone involved, thank you for your hard work. See you again at “job well done” party~~ All viewers, please keep support watching ‘Daebak’ next week (till the final episode).
스텝, 배우 선배님 후배님들 수고하셨습니다. 쫑파티때 보아요~~
시청자 여러분 다음주까지 대박 많은 시청바랍니다.

Beak Daegil, our hero of drama ‘Daebak’ can’t sleep well and has to face so many hardships… keep fighting till the end!!! Sorry for taking your photos secretlyㅜㅜ Let’s drink together at “job well done” party~~^^
잠도 못자고 너무나 수고하는 우리드라마 대박 주인공 백대길 끝까지 화이팅!!!
도촬해서 미안 ㅜㅜ 쫑파티때 술한잔하자구~~^^

8 thoughts on “[Pics] JKS in BTS photos of ‘Daebak’ shooting”

  1. Poor my prince can’t sleep well… Please take a rest after this drama finished, hope you always healthy and happy. Thanks for your hardwork my wonderful prince^^

  2. Our prince even slept on the filming site.. His hardwork will never go in vain.. Very happy to see everyone supporting prince and daebak.. ZIKZIN to all the staff.

  3. Awww.. So sweet of yuk gwi shin!! We’re so proud of you our Actor Jang.. Take a good rest and sleep longer after Daebak. Job well done Team Daebak!!

  4. Oh, Sukkie-ah, I saw your hard work and dedication. Your passion. I’m so proud of you and so happy that you took again the challenge to act like that. Indeed you were so immersed in the character, in the story that I no longer could see you but Daegil. You did your part sooo well. That’s your work and you should be proud of it. It’s not about ratings, it’s about what you put in there, and that it’s showing, believe me. Your sincerity, your passion and your respect for what you’re doing matters. You make me so happy, Sukkie. Thank you. I love you, my sweet butterfly! Just a little bit, it’ll end soon. After that please take a good rest. You deserve it!

  5. Time really does have wings.. sigh. All too soon the drama will come to an end. 🙁
    How excited I was when I first heard the news that he has been cast in “The Royal Gambler”. Looking forward to the final 2 episodes, and hoping for a happy ending for Dae Gil. But, will miss seeing Suk on my TV screen once the drama has finished airing.. sad. I hope he will take a well-deserved rest after this, eat well and get plenty of sleep. I salute him for doing a great job as the lead actor in a very challenging role. Well done, JKS!

  6. It’s clear he is expending alot of physical and emotional energy and his performance really shows that. He is doing a wonderful job. I get completely immersed in the drama and never feel like anyone is just acting a role, rather its like
    they are living the characters.


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