6 thoughts on “[Video] Lotte Duty Free World Tower CF”

  1. My prince you don’t have an idea how much I wish you would read my comments. You are the air for my lungs, my happiness trough the roughy days! You light up my life!! I love you wih all my heart!!!

      • Yes Sudie I wonder that too. Sometimes I see that someone Anonymus writes and post comments and I had thought that May be him!! Who knows??

    • Me ,too . How can they do that? without our prince lotte duty free became borring . In every thing just existence of our prince makes me happy:)

    • Please calm down. I understand their strategy. They need to get new customers. Suk has been their ambassador for years. So for eels, Lotte Duty Free is already familiar. But for other stars’ fans, they are not. I don’t think keeping the same artist as an ambassador is not a good strategy. Every company needs change. It’s not related that Suk is not Prince of Asia any more. He’s played the big role 🙂


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