[14.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter

Today at 6 pm Team H- Beautiful change MV is suddenly going to open!! Eels all over the world, get ready to GO!!
오늘 오후 6시 Team H- Beautiful change뮤직비디오 전격오픈!! 전세계 장어들아 출격준비!!

jksjapan: [translation] Today at 6 pm Team H- Beautiful change MV is suddenly going to open!! Eels all over the world, get ready to GO!!
→ Fast translation~(^з^)v♪
JKS: It’s your work, Matsuyama..

“@jksjapan: @AsiaPrince_JKS JKS(訳):今日午後6時Team H- Beautiful changeミュージックビデオ電撃オープン!!世界中のウナギ達よ、出撃準備!!
→ はやいし~(^з^)v♪”ㅡそれがおまえのしごとし。まつやま。。

jksjapan: [translation] Today at 6 pm Team H- Beautiful change MV is suddenly going to open!! Eels all over the world, get ready to GO!!
→ Fast translation~(^з^)v♪
JKS: Did you run away?? ww Fool

“@jksjapan: @AsiaPrince_JKS JKS(訳):今日午後6時Team H- Beautiful changeミュージックビデオ電撃オープン!!世界中のウナギ達よ、出撃準備!!
→ はやいし~(^з^)v♪”ㅡにげたの??wwあほ

After 3mins.


9 thoughts on “[14.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter”

  1. This American woman loves hearing you sing in English. Beautiful pronunciation …. you’re on your way … looking forward to the performance in Los Angeles.
    Champagne wishes and strawberry dreams to you moving forward.

    • From an American fan – I love the melody and that you are singing in English. I notice that when you say “Beautiful world”, on the final “l” in the word “beautiful”, there is a slight kind of slur – almost into an “r”. I have the same trouble with “r” and “l” in Korean. But you have such a beautiful voice that it doesn’t make any difference. I am continuing to steadily practice Korean. Dena in Seattle, U.S.A.

  2. Dena, In Hangul, the R & L are one character … and it’s sort or rolled together. It’s not easy for me to get it right and it’s probably even harder for a Korean to pronounce … the L has an R sound if you can imagine. We have different tongue placement. Anyway, I think, Keun Suk’s accent is very charming. I wish my Korean was even 10% as good as his English. Hope this is of some help.
    Champagne wishes and strawberry dreams to you. See you in L.A.

  3. Why english speaker so particular with pronounciation?…, I know it’s important but it’s not his first language. To hear him sing in english is already an achievement as a korean artist.

  4. I agree with you Rossana. The pronunciation should not be important. Let’s just all be thankful that Sukkie is doing his best and singing songs in English for us!

  5. If you are professional singer and you want to sing in English, the /r/ and the /l/ for native English speakers are two distinctive sounds as the /k/ and /kk/ in Korean, and you need to make them right. Sis Susann and Sis Dena are the great supporters to our Prince, me too. I think we are constructive and hope that the Prince understand and will practice to do it right. As we are talking about Englishes these days, for native listeners to have the right pronunciation or World English rather than World Englishes make them feel better.

    As the Prince is going international and will be the World Prince soon. We just want to bring out his best. Just practicing singing any song with lots of /r/ and /l/ in English, for example, Row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily , merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. I am sure the man with his stamina he would do it perfectly for his English speakers fan. Co e on let’s row the boat with our beloved Prince.

    • yup!! i agree.. pronunciation is very important for him if he want to sing any song in that language…he have mastered Japanese..so,he come with Japanese album. im sure he have think to make an englsih album in the future..so..he should mastered the language first or at least the pronunciation.of coz eels would forgive him but others may criticize him for that..


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