[Mar 2011] Fans magazine – the last part

Pic scanned by KiKiWang0810 @ Suk Baidu Bar
English translation by Aphrael77

Super Sexy Attire

Another attention-grabbing point about the Showcase is JKS’ fashion style! Frequently seen in gender-neutral clothes and oozing a sexy charm comparable to female stars, JKS attended the Samsung promotional event in a translucent black top which can be said to be the boldest attempt amongst Korean male stars to date. He was wearing a black jacket and gray pants, but the translucent back top under his jacket definitely attracted attention. The Showcase was limited to only about 300 fans, but Samsung had especially arranged for a live broadcast on Facebook and its official blog so that fans all over the world could view the event.

“Jang Keun Suk’s charming smile and unique fashion style create a charisma that is irreplaceable.”

1 thought on “[Mar 2011] Fans magazine – the last part”

  1. Wow, sometimes he do make me speechless, seems nothing he dares not to wear, but I just love him, always on his side.


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