New Year Thoughts

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Jang Keun Suk, posted with vodpod

Credits: deityswendy @ Youku

The long New Year break for the Chinese and Koreans is over. Many will be returning to work or school on 7 Feb, and so will Jang Keun Suk as he resumes his hectic schedule. Possibly, JKS has returned to Seoul on Sunday 6th as Lee Hong-ki tweeted to thank JKS for joining his birthday celebration.

To relieve the usual Monday blues (I start having them on Sunday night), here’s a video of a younger Jang Keun Suk, again, as always, with his cheerful smile to sustain us over the week ahead.

I usually don’t watch JKS’ works that are earlier than Hwang Jin-I (and I didn’t watch Hwang Jin-I too). Being addicted to a young man like JKS now is one thing; ogling at a teenaged version of JKS must be illegal – I feel like a paedophile or something. But owing to JKS’ absence of news these few days, some fan sites have started circulating his old videos and I came across this – his signature bright cheery smile that has always been there since his younger days.


I must be a morbid person, because as I watch his smile, what I think of is what lies beneath that. JKS has always appeared on screen either seriously focused on his work, or smiling and cheerful the rest of the time (which is like 90% of the time). Watching the younger version of JKS go through all the comic antics on the TV shows in a jovial manner, I think it must have been tough for a teenaged boy to face up to the stress of presenting a good and entertaining performance on TV, and to survive in the fiercely competitive showbiz industry. It’s already tough for an adult, not to mention a teenager. In order to bring happiness to the audience, how much difficulty and problems the younger JKS had to endure and overcome. I read from another eel somewhere that the teenaged JKS could not get clothes sponsorship and had to wear his own clothes on TV shows, but he had kept that from his parents as he didn’t want them to worry.

Looking at all the performances (at least in this video) the younger JKS had gone through, it is not just his smile that touches me, but all his effort and hardship that he must have gone through in order to bring his best performance to us, then and now. It is no wonder that he is such an amazing actor and performer today, not because of any stroke of luck or miracle, but by his own dint of effort, his talent, and his perseverance and dedication.

Year 2011 will be a fantastic and fruitful year for JKS with his projects line-up. Wishing him success and happiness in the new year.


想到工作﹐心情開始憂鬱了﹐所以 PO 了個小碩開朗笑容的視頻 (早期的碩)﹐多少有點幫助。我不喜歡追看小碩早期的作品﹐感覺有點戀童症。可能這幾天沒有小碩的消息﹐這些早期視頻開始冒出來了﹐偶爾看一下也不錯﹐尤其是碩的開朗笑顏還真的沒什麼變﹐當然﹐變得更有魅力了。

可是不知為什麼﹐看着小碩上節目做那些滑稽搞笑的動作﹐又憂鬱了。看着少年版的碩燦爛的笑容﹐想的是﹐ 一個才十多歲的孩子﹐要在鏡頭前呈現一個好的節目﹐是要面對多少壓力和困難﹐在競爭激烈的演藝圈生存又是多麼難的事。大人都如此了﹐何況是青少年? 曾從另一位鰻魚讀到﹐那時的碩找不到服飾贊助商﹐只好穿自己的衣服上節目﹐卻對父母隱瞞了這件事﹐因為不希望他們擔心。多麼心酸啊﹐為那時的碩。


